Well, the Turkish wording (Dere Tepe Düzzz) stands for non-stop off-road experience through the creeks and over the hills as if were taking a straight path. The project is all about sharing love for nature and animals by finding out new on-road and off-road paths by ATV within 300-400 km range of Kartepe, and recording & sharing non-stop videos and pictures taken during these trips.
We offer private, full daytime, long distance (3-6-12-24-48-72 hours), real ATV riding trips; extraordinary nature, freedom and adventure journeys for individuals and mini groups that appreciate the videos, the pics and the lifestyle demonstrated.
We have declared following places as sister Dere Tepe Duzzz town to Sapanca and included them in our coverage & range:
Veni vidi vici. We wanted other people to see these beautiful natural places and experience the feeling of absolute peace, freedom and adventure.
Isn't it exhausting to ride ATV all day long?
Well, it depends who you are and what you want. On the other hand, there are many different types and models of ATVs, and your driving experience may change a lot on how you ride it. Unlike motor sports where you hear noise, see & feel mud and force the mechanical limits of vehicles, if you ride like we do - as means of transportation to less traveled places in the wilderness, things do change drastically.
Before a short training on ABCs of ATV riding, we start the day with rich breakfast at Manzara Restaurant on the road from Masukiye to Kartepe. Depending on your expectations, we decide on a route or just getting lost, and start riding DereTepeDuzzz for 2-3 hours. When we see something interesting (a creek, a hill, a pond, a lake, a point, a path, something geographical), our plans may change. Time to time, we stop riding and walk for a while, sleep on hammocks in the ocean of peace, read book/paper, bet on who will get less/more wet, pick mountain cherries or build a 2.5 m tall snowman. We include lunch during our mid day break and then start our way back, if possible from a different route...
Seeing thousands of storks or 36 different kind of water birds on a small pond requires riding DereTepeDuzzz for few hours. Depending on season, a beach and 45 minutes of swimming break can be added to our itinerary.
Summary: Depending on how you define your kind of nature, peace, adventure, flower, bugs, animals and ATV journey; we do have at least one place to go each and every season, no matter how the weather is!
We give frequent resting breaks on our 2-3 day journeys and offer accommodation on selected mountain hotel & motels.
Senol Sonek (54); graduate of BAL '84, Bogazici '89 and Harvard '96, mechanical engineer; got away from Istanbul early due to the story of a villager fisherman and a professor from Harvard...
Fatih Sengul (36, Kartepe ATV Safari)
Hera (12); female Siberian Husky, most active and Alfa creature of the group...
Max (7); male Siberian Husky
Badem (3); female Golden Retriever, extra-ordinary alarm and guard dog...
Arctic Cat 550 TRV model water-cooled, robust, light-weight, on-road license plated and off-road ATVs.
Equipped, narrow, 4x4 jeep following the group for technical and logistical support.
Outdoor and waterproof video camera
GPS navigator (although not very helpful at places we go)
GSM phone (same as GPS navigator, we go to places beyond coverage)
Trip calendar shows only exploration journeys. Commercial trips are usually take place on weekends, but can be arranged on all seasons and 365 days throughout the year.
25/04/2018 - Abant & Kartalkaya (3 Hours Trip - Category: Dere Tepe Duzzz, Round Trip: 30 km) (Kartepe - Kuzuluk - Altioluk Plateau)
29/09/2017 - Abant & Kartalkaya (2 Days Trip - Category: Dere Tepe Duzzz, Round Trip: 400 km) (Akyazi - Hendek - Karadere - Aksu - Samandere - Abant - Sarpincik - Kabak - Sebenardi - Kartalkaya)
In the past we made Samandere Waterfall - Sinekli Plateau - Abant forest & mountain passing and our way to Kartalkaya at night time. This time it was during day time and shot nice pics.
21/04/2017 - Abant & Kartalkaya (2 Days Trip - Category: Dere Tepe Duzzz, Round Trip: 400 km) (Hendek - Karadere - Aksu - Samandere - Abant - Kartalkaya - Seben - Goynuk - Tarakli - Geyve)
Mud, snow, landslide, darkness... Samandere Waterfall - Sinekli Plateau - Abant forest & mountain passing has been one of the hardest rides we have made ever.
Brown links are active, black links are for videos to be uploaded soon. Resolution of vids has been decreased for viewing on the web.
25/04/2018 - Abant & Kartalkaya (3 Hours Trip - Category: Dere Tepe Duzzz, Round Trip: 30 km) (Kartepe - Kuzuluk - Altioluk Plateau)
22/12/2017 - Abant & Kartalkaya (2 Days Trip - Category: Dere Tepe Duzzz, Round Trip: 400 km) (Akyazi - Hendek - Karadere - Aksu - Samandere - Abant - Sarpincik - Kabak - Sebenardi - Kartalkaya)
From Samandere to Abant (Part-1) | From Samandere to Abant (Part-2)
24/11/2017 - Deep Autumn (Category: Dere Tepe Duzzz, Round Trip: 120 km) (Kartepe-Iznik)
From Kemaliye to Aglan | From Aglan to Iznik
03/11/2017 - Autumn @ Serindere (Summer Category: Family, Winter Category: Dere Tepe Duzzz, Round Trip: 50 km) (Kartepe, Pazarcayiri, Sultaniye, Serindere)
A beautiful November day... Green mixed up with yellow, yellow mixed up with brown... Serindere not that cool, yet!
29/09/2017 - Abant & Kartalkaya (2 Days Trip - Category: Dere Tepe Duzzz, Round Trip: 400 km) (Akyazi - Hendek - Karadere - Aksu - Samandere - Abant - Sarpincik - Kabak - Sebenardi - Kartalkaya)
In the past we made Samandere Waterfall - Sinekli Plateau - Abant forest & mountain passing and our way to Kartalkaya at night time. This time it was during day time and shot nice pics.
31/08/2017 - Firtina Valley @ Camlihemsin @ Rize (Uzungol - Camlihemsin - Ayder Plateau - Yukari Kavrun Plateau)
11/08/2017 - Duzce Waterfalls (Category: Dere Tepe Duzzz, Round Trip: 250 km) (Hendek - Aksu - Guzeldere - Efteni - Hasanlar)
29/04/2017 - Aglan Pond (Category: Dere Tepe Duzzz, Round Trip: 180 km) (Sapanca - Kartepe - Mesruriye - Cilekli - Kemaliye - Aglan)
This daily picnic trip has been a difficult trail with 4 adult ATVs, 1 kid ATV and a jeep.
28/04/2017 - Esme from Avluburun (Category: Family, Round Trip: 60 km) (Sapanca - Masukiye - Uzuntarla - Avluburun - Esme)
21/04/2017 - Abant & Kartalkaya (2 Days Trip - Category: Dere Tepe Duzzz, Round Trip: 400 km) (Hendek - Karadere - Aksu - Samandere - Abant - Kartalkaya - Seben - Goynuk - Tarakli - Geyve)
Mud, snow, landslide, darkness... Samandere Waterfall - Sinekli Plateau - Abant forest & mountain passing has been one of the hardest rides we have made ever.
Karadere - Aksu | Aksu - Efteni Pond | Kartalkaya - Aladag Pond | Sakarya River
08/04/2017 - Fevziye & Akcay (Summer Category: Family, Winter Category: Dere Tepe Duzzz, Round Trip: 50 km) (Ilmiye, Karagol, Murat Koprusu, Fevziye, Akcay)
From Ilmiye to Murat Koprusu | From Murat Koprusu to Fevziye and Akcay
07/04/2017 - Short Cut Iznik (Category: Dere Tepe Duzzz, Round Trip: 180 km) (Sapanca - Pazarcayiri - Mesruriye - Kemaliye - Aglan - Hisarcik - Besevler - Iznik)
From Kartepe to Mesruriye | From Mesruriye to Kemaliye | Kemaliye - Aglan Forest Passing | Aglan Pond and Descend to Besevler
31/03/2017 - Yuvacik Dam (Summer Category: Family, Winter Category: Dere Tepe Duzzz, Round Trip: 90 km) (Sapanca, Masukiye, Kartepe, Pazarcayiri, Ornek, Serindere, Camiduzu, Kirazdere)
From Ilmiye to Sapanca | From Masukiye to Manzara | From Manzara to Kartepe | From Kartepe to Pazarcayiri From Pazarcayiri to Kirazdere | Kirazdere
When they are ridden with conscious and caution, ATVs are extremely pleasant vehicles to ride with powerful feelings of freedom. On the other hand, they can be dangerous and even deadly for all if used improperly and to demonstrate libido & adrenalin. Therefore, we do not do and let you do the following:
Riding like doing extreme sports
Racing within the group or with others in the traffic
Acting individually, not with the group
Tricks, acrobatics and the like
Smoking while driving, drinking alcohol during the day
Underestimate weather/road /medium conditions
Not listening to advice of experienced & professional staff
For us, ATVs are not vehicles for testing their mechanical limits or our own physical and mental limits, but vehicles that take us to natural and very beautiful places other vehicles (including 4x4 jeeps, as they are wide and heavy) simply can not, so we can enjoy nature at maximum. We consider them as our mechanical friends and indispensable part of the extraordinary freedom and ultimate nature experience in the wilderness.
In short, we do not let you hurt yourself or others, and take all necessary measures to achieve maximum safety at all times.
We have developped Dere Tepe Duzzz Club Membership for those who would like to ride frequently, economically and different routes. Annual dues and per km charges apply. Please contact us for more info.
Trips are in two categories: Family and DereTepeDuzzz. DereTepeDuzzz routes are absolutely not for those who can't compromise on comfort. DereTepeDuzzz routes are rated "Z", "ZZ" or "ZZZ", depending on difficulty level. Our guests start with a "Z" class route, join a "ZZ" class route on their second tour, and finally a "ZZZ" class route on their third journey with us.
For resting purposes, our guests can get on the support jeep following the group.
All trips start with rich regional village breakfast around Masukiye, lunch could be in the wilderness/mountains/hills/forests/creeks depending on the route.
Wanna ride 3-6-12-24-48-72 hours "DereTepeDuzzz" in either private or mini groups? Please write us at atv@deretepeduzzz.com with following details:
Your name & last name
Age (min. 28)
If group with colleagues, company name
How many people wanna ride ATV. A2 and/or B class driving licence required for on-road riding. We mostly ride in rural areas and/or out in the country. Our staff has both A2 and B driving licence.
How many people there will be in total. ATVs are for 2, how many will seat on the back.
Date or dates you wanna ride
Are you interested in predefined routes or do you just want to get lost?
You can use Whatsapp to reach us at +90-542-2613263.
Guests extraordinarily sensitive on personal hygiene may purchase brand new Dere Tepe Duzzz outfit set - helmet, raincoat and boots. The outfit set can be used later for other outdoor activities or as a Dere Tepe Duzzz souvenir.
You may attend to Dere Tepe Duzzz tours on daily basis, but may also prefer staying at Dere Tepe Duzzz villa one night before and one night after the trip, which is ideal for our type/consept of ATV riding trip & nature holiday.
For closed groups of 6-11 people:
Two storied wooden building in 3000 sqm garden
First Floor: Saloon, open kitchen, bathroom+WC, fireplace
Second Floor: One triple room, three double rooms, one closed scenery porch (can be used as one more double room), bathroom+WC
Copyright of all information, photographs and videos on this web site are hold by Senol Sonek. No content can be copied or used without written consent.